"The Thirteenth Floor" is among the best and most thoughtful sci-fi ever made. The plot is intelligent and unfortunately many said "professional critics" did not understand the complex story and wrote bad reviews (Metacritic 3.6?). Yesterday I watched this film for the second time, and it is still impressive and engaging. Disregard the bad reviews and enjoy this underrated gem. My vote is eight.Title (Brazil): "13ΒΊ Andar" ("13ΒΊ Floor")
'Sentiment: Positive π'
I am a child of the 50's, and spent my preteen years feasting on all the classic sifi gems, such as " The day the earth stood still", "Forbidden Planet' etc. The 13th floor reminds me of those movies. This movie has been compared to the matrix, and that is unfair, Special effects are fine, but when they become the focal point of the movie, I think film suffers because of it. I liked the 13th floor because it didn't get caught up in all that technology and reallied on a great script, and a wonderful ensemble cast. I would highly recommend this movie to all, especially if you prefer the old "War of the Worlds" over the new one.
'Sentiment: Positive π'
The Thirteenth Floor is a thoughtful and engaging film that asks its audience to think about the difference between reality and virtual reality. The Matrix asks similar questions in an action format appealing to a wider audience, but the Thirteenth Floor exceeds the Matrix in two respects. First, it uses a thoughtful approach that establishes its characters as more than 2-D, comic-book type heroes and villains. Second, it builds longer and with more subtlety, so that the payoff comes much later.And a delightful payoff it is. Imagine the Matrix with less action fluff, real human relationships, and a plot twist reminiscent of the Sixth Sense. Fans of thought-provoking science fiction in the vain of Gattaca will enjoy the Thirteenth Floor just as well.